et hop news/rumeurs
iens pis voilà des News de Warseer que j'ai pas vu encore ici, donc j'annonce:
New models in the first wave
- Mannfred the Elder on foot and on steed [metal]
- Vlad von Cartein [metal]
- Isabella von Carstein, possibly in the same box as Vlad [metal]
- Konrad von Carstein [metal]
- unknown number of new Vampire models [metal]
- Varghulf, probably 1 model per blister [metal]
- Skeleton Warriors redo, slightly smaller than before, unknown models per box, but likely 10 [plastic]
- Grave Guard, unknown models per box, but likely 10 [plastic]
- Ghouls, unknown models per box, but likely 10 [plastic]
- Bats, big and small, unknown number per box [plastic]
- Dire Wolves, unknown number per box [plastic]
- Knights of Blood Keep, blister/box [metal]
- Corpse Coach, box of 1 [metal]
New models in the second wave
- Possibly new Zombies
- Possibly new Black Knights
Special rules
- As before(?), but applies to all units, including those not technically dead (probably to keep things simple).
- Latest rumour says it stays as it currently is.
#4 Curse of Years: easier to cast
new "Winds of Death": All enemy units take hit(s), wounds caused create a new Spirit Host close to the caster
Vampire Count
- Only Lord choice apart from special characters
- Can get 100 pts of items plus 100 pts of vampire powers
Vampire Lord: gone
Necromancer Lords: gone
Vampire Thralls
- May or may not be gone
- Uses different lore than Vampires, more specialised towards raising / healing stuff (which they will be better at than previously)
- Spells work differently than before, more similar to TK incantations, can be recast
Wight Kings (new name for Wight Lords)
Wraiths: now a unit instead of a character
Core units
- new models
- no other details known
- Strength 2
- Really always strikes last
- Can not be joined by characters
- Can never pursue
- Possibly only new unit you can raise
- New models
- Count as Undead
- No longer skirmish
Dire Wolves
- New models
- No other details known
Bat Swarm
- New models
- Count as Undead
Special units
Grave Guard (possibly get a new name)
- New models
- May have great weapons
Black Knights
- Nightmares may move through terrain/obstacles without penalty, in the same manner as Ethereals can (not otherwise Ethereal)
Fell Bats
- New models
- No other details known
Spirit Host
- No details known
Rare units
Black Coach
- 4+ ward
- feeding it with power dice (any wizard within 6" can do this) gives it enhanced abilities, roll a D6 for each PD and on a 6 gain a new one permanently, in order(?): 1) Scythes, 2) Hatred, 3) Unknown, 4) Ethereal, 5) Fly
Knights of Blood Keep
- Essentially equivalent to old Thralls on steeds
- WS6, S5, T4, A2, frenzy
- Cost more than 50 pts each
- Lance, heavy armour(?), Barded Greater Nightmares with S4 (but not the terrain-crossing abilities Black Knights get)
- Not known if a unit or a character, probably the former
- M9 (does not fly)
- Expect other stats to be typical small monster-like (S4+, T4+, W3+, A3+, etc)
Corpse Coach
- A type of chariot pulled by zombies (the hafts are impaled through their chests)
- Possibly some sort of support for units nearby
- Skirmishing unit
- Statwise much the same as currently
- May have a Banshee as a champion (scream now works on all enemy units, including those ItP)
Dsl c'est pas traduit mais ca reprend un peu de s'qui à été dit pis des infos supp.
ps: sur google trad on a une trad compréhensible wink3.gif